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How correct recovery can get you the most out of your plastic surgery.


Surely, if you've made the decision to have plastic surgery and you've selected a competent plastic surgeon, you'll be pleased with the outcome, right? But what you may not know is that you are, in fact, just as crucial to a successful end as the surgical team is.

However, even the most qualified plastic surgeons can't be present while you recuperate, so you must take charge of your own recovery. Bending the rules could result in an emergency hemorrhage or other problem that requires urgent surgery or permanently alters the outcome of the procedure.

Your part in a quick and painless recovery.

So, what should you do to improve your chances of a quick and easy recovery?

  1. Make sure you follow your doctor's advice. Be careful about asking for an exception to the norm, like asking for an earlier start time for exercising or taking a prescription that's on a "don't take" list. Do you want the surgeon to make any shortcuts? If the answer to this question is no, then you should expect the same from your own actions.

  2. Prepare for your recovery in advance. Plan ahead of time for things like a hospital bed, a recliner, a post surgery recovery home, or even pre-cooked meals to help you recover better after the surgery.

  3. Make sure you have a ride waiting for you when you get out of the hospital. You should not undergo any unnecessary stress that can hamper the results of your plastic surgery.

  4. Make plans ahead of time if your plastic surgeon requires a caretaker.

  5. Having someone else look after your children, elderly parents, or anyone you are responsible for will allow you to focus on your own needs during post-surgery recovery.

  6. Be patient. It takes time for the body to heal itself. Scars are pink while they heal, and your ultimate results may not be visible for weeks or months after your procedure. Just be patient and allow the healing take its due course.

  7. When in doubt, please get in touch. A seemingly innocent inquiry can reveal a significant issue.

During the post-surgery healing period, some patients experience emotional highs and lows. All of this is very normal. Your post surgery recovery doctors and their colleagues are there to help you get back on your feet, so don't be afraid to tell them how you're feeling.

If you're not satisfied with the results, bring up your concerns during your next appointment. Whatever the body part, if you have two of the same, one side is going to be inherently higher, bigger, or different from the other. Even after surgery, our eyes may not pick up on these inconsistencies because everything seems so new to them. Your plastic surgeon can assist you in determining whether or not a mismatch is the consequence of natural aging or a surgical procedure.

Patients who are satisfied with their results are more likely to have had realistic expectations before they undergo surgery. A well-done operation is more likely to be successful if the patient is well prepared for the post surgery recovery phase.

5 Ways to Get Better Faster After Plastic Surgery

Your recuperation following plastic surgery does not have to be a long and drawn-out process — in contrast to popular assumption.

In addition to following your plastic surgeon's post-op instructions, here are some tips to speed up your recovery:

1. A Healthy Lifestyle Prior to and Post-Surgery is Essential

Before and after your plastic surgery, there are a number of things you can do to maintain a healthy lifestyle to ensure a smooth recovery and beautiful outcomes.

The majority of plastic surgeons advise you to:

Quit smoking

After surgery, issues like infection and bleeding are more likely if you smoke. Moreover, smoking slows recovery time.

The same applies for alcohol intake. No need to give up alcohol altogether, but you may want to cut back on it in the days leading up to and following your procedure.

Engage in regular physical activity

Unless your cosmetic surgeon has advised you to shed weight prior to the operation, you should at least engage in some light activity, such as:

  • Thirty-minute strolls

  • Do some weight exercise two or three times a week.

  • Swimming for an hour

  • Being active in the weeks leading up to your operation will improve your circulation of blood and help keep you strong and healthy afterward.

Ensure that you get enough rest

Try to obtain at least six to eight hours of sleep every night to help your body repair itself (enhance your immune system, get rid of toxins, and boost muscular recovery).

2. Eat and drink well

Your post-surgery diet will also have a significant impact on how quickly you heal. Fresh, raw fruits and vegetables are preferable than those that have been heavily processed. Adding whole grains to your post-op diet will help keep your digestive system working properly. Be sure to stay hydrated after the procedure by stocking up on broth, Jell-O, and other liquids, and drinking plenty of water every day.

3. Finish all of your medication

Be sure to follow the directions on your medication no matter how well you feel or how well you endure the pain from your plastic surgery recovery.

Always take your pain medicine on time, as not taking it might lead to high blood pressure which increases risk of bruising and complicates your recovery process.

4. Care for scars properly

Any surgical operation leaves scars, but a skilled plastic surgeon will ensure that they are minimal and barely noticeable once they have healed.

If you'd like to minimize the look of scars, there are a number of things you can do:

  • Make the decision to stop smoking

  • Maintaining a diet rich in zinc, iron, and vitamin C is essential (including strawberries, spinach, tofu, kiwifruit, kale, and beans).

  • Pre-surgery weight loss may be essential.

  • Avoid exposure to sun

  • Not engaging in any physical activity that could put stress on your scars.

5. Ensure that all of your follow-up appointments are finished on schedule.

All follow-up appointments must be attended regardless of how your body feels. The correct healing of your body must be monitored by your plastic surgeon on a periodic basis.

Ensure you never miss any of your post-op appointments as your doctor may have to make certain adjustments to your post-op care based on how your body responds to plastic surgery.

In all, you stand to achieve the most out of your plastic surgery if you prioritize a correct recovery process. In addition to following the tips discussed above, you can also reach out to us at Diamond Post Care for more enquiries about our post surgery care services.



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